Our services Meet and Exceed annual NCAA sexual violence prevention training requirements.


Common approaches to prevention programming include online training, where trainees often fall victim to the “click-through phenomenon” to get through as fast as possible without retaining any information, or one-time speakers, who often tell a powerful story, but no follow-up is included to make sure behavior change is actually occurring. It has been demonstrated that these approaches do not work in creating a culture of appropriate behavior.

As a result, we are changing the landscape of sexual misconduct prevention with our full program curriculum. This curriculum uses a data driven model to create tailored workshops and trainings, discussions, and digital check-ins for each institution.

We work with athletic departments to make sure student-athletes, coaches, and athletic department staff are equipped with the skills and confidence necessary to make a difference when it matters.

Join us in creating a safer campus community today. Say enough is enough.

Full Program Curriculum - Going Beyond “Checking the Box”

The Athlete Initiative program is designed to create a sustainable and long-term solution of preventing sexual misconduct on campus. Ultimately, Athlete Initiative will hand over the keys to institution stakeholders to champion future prevention efforts.

The full program curriculum is centered around modern day issues that are critical to understand. Over a period of time determined by the institution, the Athlete Initiative program contains the following segments:

  1. Short Term Goal: Teach Appropriate Conduct & Create a Culture of Importance and Acceptance

    • Challenge existing beliefs and attitudes

  2. Mid Term Goal: Practice Behaviors & Maintain Expectations

    • Facilitate behavior change

  3. Long Term Goal: Reinforce Culture & Develop Experts

    • Create peer thought leaders

    • Thriving culture

Contact us for an example program ranging from 1 to 4 years!

Additional Services

Education / Training

Our training platform was developed to maximize the investment made by universities to have a meaningful impact on student-athletes. We work directly with university stakeholders to make sure the training is tailored specifically for your culture, size, and environment. Serving both male and female student-athlete populations, we offer a variety of training packages to best fit your needs. Schedule a demo today!

data Services

Feeling lost or unsure of where to start? Need to understand the current climate of your program? Do you need dashboards or anonymous feedback tools? Lean on our years of research of the issues faced by student-athletes today in order to jumpstart your initiatives.

rISK Advisory

The Department of Education has proposed sweeping changes to sexual misconduct policy. Not sure how to interpret new regulations or implement the suggested guidance? Do you need to start with an assessment of your current program? Do you need to develop a compliance “gameplan?” Let us help steer you in the right direction on your compliance journey.Whether it is meeting NCAA bylaws, federal regulations, or developing best practices, we are here to help.